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Ladies' League: Tuesdays - Sign-Up for the Ladies' League at any point during the year! Runs from June 4th - August 6th with 9 holes played each week. Tee times for the league are available Tuesdays from 9:00AM - 10:30AM. Contests through the year include:
  • Week 3 - Mixer Day: Sign up to mix up your foursome and play with a different group of ladies!
  • Week 6 - Hole Contests: Includes Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Longest Putt, & Most Birdies!
  • Week 10 - Ladies Scramble: Play a best ball scramble with the winners receiving prizes for the lowest score!

Moose League: Wednesdays - This league will run for 17 weeks starting on  April 21st. Early League starts at 2:00PM & Late Leagues start at 4:00PM. Must be a member of the local Moose Lodge to be eligible. Includes weekly games & an option to be apart of skins and low net for an extra charge. 

Interested in joining or creating a golf league? Call us at (815) 786-3058
